This information is intended to help establish and assist Christ centered support groups and encourage Christians in the recovery process. These comments are written from the perspective of a fellow Christian in recovery. This is designed to be a plain talking recovery tool to minister to hurting people and equip pastors, ministers and missionaries to help those in need.

A little over two decades ago, I got to the point in my spiritual growth where I was able to totally surrender to the Lord. It was the end of a road called “My Way.” In a powerful and decisive way, Jesus led me to become involved in twelve step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

I was completely set free from alcohol and drugs at my point of totally yielding to the Lord. However, that was the beginning of my recovery and not the end. Addiction is symptomatic of a greater underlying cause. My life was out of balance, out of order and in much need of repair. I was in need of, “a renewing of the mind.”

No price tag can be placed on the help I received through these twelve step programs. Regular religion and medical help didn’t work for me and a treatment program was not readily available when I entered into recovery. I considered myself beyond hope and beyond help. There wouldn’t have been any problem in getting many others to agree.

It seems like I tried everything this world had to offer in search for some semblance of happiness and peace. Nothing worked and suicide became an option. When the pain is bad enough for a long enough time, a person will consider anything. I attempted to take my own life several times before entering into recovery. In my eyes – there was no hope at all.

To my amazement, the recovery process worked for me. Just being OK was a big miracle as far as I was concerned. However, I became more than OK, I actually started to feel good and enjoy life. I believed that if there was hope for me, there is hope for anybody.

I am very grateful to the regular Twelve Step groups for the invaluable help given to me in my recovery. There is no measure to the unconditional love and acceptance that I received from the people involved in these groups.

I am grateful for the twelve steps that were first introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous. The steps came from the Lord Himself and millions of people have been healed through working the steps because God Himself is the power behind all these spiritual principles.

Being involved in Christ centered recovery gives us an opportunity to have fellowship with other Christians who understand our faith. It also allows us to act as a bridge for those people in the Church who need to be in recovery. It is also a bridge for those in recovery who need to be in church.

I am thankful for every person who ever spoke in a meeting. I always hear the Lord speak through others who share the truth in love. A warm thank you to all who encouraged me to write this book, including: Bernice Fleming, Joe Santolucito, Robert Greenwald and Dr. Louise Doliveiria.

Special thanks to my mother, Bridget Massman, who provided a comfortable place for me to write when I returned to the United States from the mission field. I also have a deep appreciation for Pastor Bob Adams who has been of significant spiritual inspiration in my life.

Richard Massman